Monday, 30 September 2013

A Tag on Heart over Mind

 Hello readers and friends,

"When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indicent to object"
- Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

I am becoming more and more aware that I am choosing to live my life with a cheerful, joyful and freedom-loving heart; that I want to choose to think from my heart, not from my mind, however difficult this transition might be at times (most of the time..hahaha!)... I see the mind as a conduit of the soul, and I believe the heart gets the inspiration from the soul.. The knowing that we all experience from time to time, or the intuition as most of us call it, are an overwhelming feeling that can only come from the depth of our being and from every cell in our body... Haven't we all experienced that when our decision-making comes from our heart (the power house, the core of our being), the outcome is always so magical, so perfect..  More that ever before so many people are making drastic changes in their lives, professionally and personally that perhaps makes no sense for many people who look at it from the mind point of view.. Last week, for instance, I attended a conference in London  on 'Raw Food' (another subject for another day!!!) and one of the speakers who for many years had a very lucrative job in the famous Silicon Valley, decided to leave it and to become a lecurer on something that his heart told him it was the best for him.., (and indeed it was!!).. 
Like you, I so many times wonder, what give the people the courage to make drastic changes in their lifes? The answer I always get is the same: the courage can only come from the heart.. Certainly for me, I find thinking from my mind very fragmentated, but whenever I manage to think from my heart, I find it very spiritual, very holistic, a feeling I must always trust, specially now days when my personal life is about to crumble...
Despite my trying to excercise the thinking from the heart, I find extremely difficult to stop my mind and therefore I trust that an opend heart and an open mind will yield the best results.. what do you think?

Here is my first picture of my tag I am trying to finalise...

and here are some videos on the making of the tag (ipad on one hand and paint on the other, very difficult !!!)..


Yes, those brown bits I tried to glue are dry leaves I picked up from the park yesterday while playing and running with my son.. The ground was covered in leaves, those beautiful yellows, oranges, reds and brown colours.. The beautiful colours of autum I love... Si, el otoño está a la vuelta de la equina.. 
It was 1.30am last night (London time), and since there was no planning what so ever in the making of this tag, I was too tired and I'd lost the momentum... So, I just couldn't finalise it, so sorry.. I will continue tonight..

Thank you for your patience, I hope is worth it..

Monday, 16 September 2013

I am back

Dear readers,

It has been so long since I have published my last post that I feel a bit lost, not only lost for words to write, but also lost on my painting skills; at the same time my inner-self urge me to tell you how much I have missed painting, crafting and writing to you sharing my thoughts and my work.. so, I am back and thanks to those who I know are reading this blog, Ilittle by little I will be getting my motivation and inspiration back... Time, time, time, why are you passing by so fast... I need a bit more of you, 'time'.. I ask the Universe to provide me with more time, but I am grateful of the little free time I've got...

If you ever get frustrated by the lack of time, as I do, please think in the words form Willian Penn, when he said: "Time is what we want most, but what we use worst".. hhhhhuuuuu.. like me, many of you will identify with these words...
I have returned from my holidays in Spain (a very hectic holidays in fact. Despite how wonderful and loving my family is, they can also be too sofocating for me.., too much emotioanl preassure.. I ended in hospital with a bad anxiety attack, but I wouldn't bore you with details; it was all my fault for not having been able to establish some limits from the beginning..), which overall were enjoyable and the weather was fantastic. This quote reflects very well part of what I am trying to express..
"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." -Carl Sandburg 
I  am so happy and content being back in London.., I feeI I can breath.., yes, breathhhhhhh.... My innerchild that felt so constrained during part of my holidays, feels free to play again... It is hard to explain the profound feeling of being the owner of your own decisions, likes and dislikes... I was also very happy to come back to the office where I work that I felt like taking a little video of my desk (sorry about the mess...) to share with you.. 

The best of every morning when I satdown at my workstation is seeing pictures of my son and realising the difference between the pictures... Time is passing...Ohhh!!!! sad in a way and so beautiful in another...

"Time has been transformed, and we have changed; it has advanced and set us in motion; it has unveiled its face, inspiring us with bewilderment and exhilaration". - Khalil Gibran

Do you remember this video?

and this one?

I was thinking to make a tag from the above sketch.. I redraw my original sketch again onto a piece of paper and then I tear it off and decided to stick it onto of a piece of card-stock from one of my abstract backgrounds. So far this is what I've got, which is not much, but since it is going to take me time to be inspirted on how to finish it, I thought I would post what I have and who knows, maybe you will get some inspiration, which I hope you can share it with me to get me inspired..(uff!, these last words sounded like a riddle...hahaha)..

Thank you ciber-friends for reading, I really apreciate you...