Thursday, 18 October 2012

On my way to work

This morning was a beautiful and bright morning, at about 7.45am, when I took my son to the nursery, before heading to work. I thought it would be fun sharing with you my journey into work with a few pictures..  Please note that, with the exception of two photos, all the others were taken from my iphone, so the quality is probably not the best... (This is my physical journey into work  from Monday to Thursdays..)..

Yes, the first street I walked on is a very quite pedestrian street; it feels very intimate and full of character.. The sky was awesome!!!

This is the Street where the nursery is located. A nice and long hilly street!

Autum is coming to London slowly and gentle... Some flowers still remain in most of the bases of these magnificent and majestic trees...

This is what happens when you are in a hurry and trying to do too many things at once.... Pushing my child's chair (can you see his lovely legs??), picking up my iphone from my bag and trying to run as fast as possible, as I am always late for work......arrrrggggghhhh!!!....

A very leafy street indeed..

A tree with a secret door... How nice is that?... (there are tiny figures inside, like in Alice and wonderland....mmmmmm, very cute, don't you think? (This door was in white before, but it broke (or perhaps, vandalised?!?), lets be positive; things can brake, can't they?.. There was not door for a couple of days, that is when I saw the tiny figures inside, but had no phone to take a pic, sorry!..)

Here is the door in white... (I took this picture the first week Saul started nursery, I never knew it would be so relevant, specially when I discovered  the new door this morning...  Both beatuful, don't you think?)..

On my way to the office now...  l absolutely love the autum colours..

Yes, there are still some flowers left.... Are you getting inspired???

What a drastic change, don't you think?...arrrgggghhhh...

At the train station...  A train coming.... I better catch it!!!..

And....asphalt, asphalt and more asphalt...... (although it's a nice grey...jejejeje)

As you can see, every morning I pass by the MI6 building... Who knows, one day I might just meet Agent 007, Bond, James Bond...jejejeje... (Sorry to disappoint you Mr. Bond, but you are not quite my type...)

There some little green areas opposite MI6 building...

Yes, yes, this is one of the towers of the Houses of Parlament where....

The famous Big Ben is... Yes, this is the lovely view one can see opposite the building where I work... What a majestic and astonishing building.. A great inspiration to many artist...  (I took this photo from google as my iphone could not bring the whole building close enough to show you properly...)...

And more or less opposite the Big Ben is the UN Headquarters in London, the office where I work... Do you notice the sculture (a seaman on a ship)  coming out of the facade?, is because this UN office is related to maritime matters only...

The image below, the front of this UN building, is the second photo that I've borrowed from google..

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, I leave you with a little drawing..(I cannot finish a post without adding a drawing, it has become a vice... What a great vice...)...

This is the image of and original pastel on canvas (8x10inches). I sold it a few months ago to a colleague at work.  

A closer view..

I have a few pocket mirrors left of this painting (about 2inch size) for sale in my shop in Etsy. Please have a look if you are interested... They are great for a present and a none expensive way to say 'thank-you' this Christmas to your loved ones and friends!

And lastly, thank you very much to all of you who keep reading these words. I really hope that every time you visit my blog you find something that inspires you to create something, because as Thomas Merton, an anglo-american writer and a mystic (1915-1968) said:

"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time".

Oooh! He was so right..... wasn't he?.........mmmmm......I love this quote...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ooh! Dearest Sheri, this is the first comment I've ever got since I started blogging, and I couldn't have asked for a better one. You are a very complete artist and a very kind soul. I hope you do not mind if I quote you in my blog. L&L. Glo.xox
    (P.S. I am still quite new in this environmente and deleted my reply by mistake)

  3. Dear Sheri, just a couple of lines to apologise for saying that your message was the first I received, is in fact the second and thank you again for it. I was about to write a new post when I realised that a lovely lady called Candace wrote a very kind and wonderful message on my post 'male and female', and this was indeed my very first comment. Sorry Candace if you are reading this, but it was so long ago that for a moment my mind had a lapsus in time... Lots of love going both of your ways.. You will never know how much your comments have lifted my spirit.. xoxox
